Well, only 2 days in and I have changed my mind a bit. My blog is still about photography in general, but I do love both digital and film. I decided to scratch my planned post about websites due do my work on presets for Lightroom. I mostly work on simulating film via lightroom presets, so starting tomorrow, I will be releasing these at this blog. I will also have other posts, such as news, equipment reviews, photo lab reviews, film reviews and my opinions in general. There will be no set schedule, you get what I give, when I write it.
I will keep every file available for download as long as I can. They will be hosted via a download site ala filefactory, unless PresetsHeaven chooses to publish any of the presets, in which I will remove my download and ask for it to be download form Pierre's aawesome site.
Hopefully I will have a new preset for you all tonight or tomorrow. I will announce it on twitter if you follow me @mwgray.
until then,
Michael W. Gray
photo info:
Solace, ©2008 Michael W. Gray
Fuji Neopan 100 Acros B&W negative film
Minolta Maxxum 7000AF
Minolta AF 70-210 f/4.5-5.6 @ 70mm, f/4.5
exposure 1/1000
JPG scan from local film lab